The theme was Plants and here is what I created, cleaned as I said, for that back then. All originally posted on that forum and reposted here. Intended for the Pathfinder RPG d20 System from Paizo.
At the time I essentially chose the underlying theme of Roses and Thorns for what I was going to use as the basis.
In the competition I ended up creating an organization, an NPC, a new spell list, along with several new magic items and some alterations to, then, existing spells.
So below is the new organization known as The Rose Watchers with their current Queen Melviana
The Patron Queen of Roses
Melviana is the current Patron Queen of Roses. This is a hereditary title passed down among the Rose Watchers, an order of females devoted to life, love, and plants especially roses.
The Rose Watchers were founded about 9 generations ago in a small principality far to the east when the local tyrant was overthrown and a female rose to take over, assuming the title of Protectress instead of Tyrant as the former ruled had styled himself.
Once the Protectress was safely in charge, she had a small militant order set up to help ensure the principles of Honor, Loyalty, Perseverance, and Devotion to Kindness were upheld in her area of the world.
Unfortunately her reign was short, cut down by assassins from the neighboring militant nation, which then invaded hoping to subjugate the fledgling state.
As running battles were waged against the numerically superior forces invading, the defenders looked far and wide for assistance from anyone or anything that was kindred in spirit to the ideals of the Protectress and willing and able to help. It finally was found in dreams and visions sent from the spirit that guides the growth of rose plants.
From this humble spirit came a promise. So long as the Rose Plant was held sacred in this land, it would help to the extent of its powers. The pact was agreeable and was made, sanctified with blood spilt from a hand willingly impaled on a rose bush thorns.
The spirit came and asked for permission to meld with the spirit of the one who had impaled their hand. It was given and the First Patron Queen of Roses was born in that moment.
With the mystical aid of the Queen of Roses the small nation was able to inflict severe enough losses to deter the invasion. With the respite that came from it, the governing of the land went to a new Protectress, with the Queen of Roses advising and leading the Thorn Guard, the new militant order founded to help defend the land.
Each Queen of Roses is slightly different. The base comes from the spirit that co-habitats the body of the Queen. The rest comes from the person that made the sacrifice to gain the power. Each one comes into additional power per their personality and inclination. A more martial candidate would focus on increased damage and speed while a more mystical one might focus on spells that block and defend. It is all different and so long as the Queen remains true, loyal to the land, to the Rose Spirit and good in heart and character then there are no limitations. The spirit controls nothing, makes no suggestions, just lends power and remains in the back, strengthening and helping to protect the Queen that honors its charges.
The current Queen of Roses is Melviana. She came into her power only a very short while ago, and while she has inherited the powers, she is not experienced in their use, and has a long ways to go in gaining her full potential. She was a novitiate in The Thorn Guard when she had a vision leading her to assume the mantle of The Queen, when the previous one was gravely wounded in battle against marauders. The passing of the mantle went, and the previous wearer survived the transition and even though she is crippled, is available for counsel and advice to the latest holder of the spirit.
Additionally as the Queen of Roses, she became the Captain of the Thorn Guard, her bodyguards, protectors, scouts and eyes and ears in the kingdom. They are an elite fighting force, geared towards stealth instead of a stand up fight. Commonly outfitted in Masterwork Leather Armor, armed with Javelins, Light Crossbows, Rapiers and Daggers, they are skilled in wilderness survival and many are also trained in woodcraft and hunting.
Patron Queen of Roses
Female, Human, Rose Spirit Possessor
She is female, aged 23 when she assumed the mantle and responsibility. Before her change she was average height, fair of complexion, comely to the eye, with a slender build and almost naive sensitivity. While she was training in the martial skills, she was not very adept with them. Being more inclined to scholarly and sage oriented pursuits.
Once she took on the mantle she assumed the overall appearance that a Queen has. She grew taller, standing as a tall man would, with a build now that is almost thorny, her hair taking on the deep red of Rose Petals, with a light pink complexion to her skin. Her nails became as thorns and her underlying body toughened as well.
Specials: She has the plant and Outsider subtypes now to reflect the co-existence in her body of her and the Rose Spirit. This has given her the following Special Abilities and Immunity that all Queens possess.
· Die type converts to d8
· BAB figured as if a Fighter of equal class levels
· All Saves as Good
· Darkvision and Lowlight vision 60 Feet
· Proficient with simple weapons, shields, and light armor (if not already proficient)
· Gains Skill Points equal to (2 + Int Modifier, minimum of 1 skill point) per level gained in addition to skills gained for increasing a class or racial level. When the Mantle is taken on the recipient gains skill levels equal to (2 + Int Mod x4) to be distributed in the following skills only (these all become class skills for future purposes) Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Roses), Sense Motive. Each skill must get at least 1 Rank of these bonus ranks placed into it. Any other points can be placed as desired among these 4 skills.
· Gains Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
· The Queen is no longer subject to critical hits.
· The Queen of Roses needs to breathe and eat, but does not sleep.
· Gains a 1 time bonus of 16 Hit Points (equal to max die roll of 2d8) when becoming the Queen of Roses)
Patron Queen of Roses
Human, Plant, Outsider
3rd Level Expert, 1st Level Druid (Progressing as a Druid currently)
Str 8 -1
Dex 10 +0
Con 8 -1
Int 14 +2
Wis 13 +1
Cha 13 +1
Class Expert 3, Druid 1
Level 4
HP 36
EP Bottom of 4th level
Align Neutral Good / Roses
AC +3 (MW Leather), +2 ( MW Shield), +0 Dex,
BAB +2
Will +3
Ref +1
Fort +5
#Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon
Special Abilities:
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Darkvision and Lowlight vision 60 Feet, Not subject to critical hits, does not need to sleep, Spellcasting, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy,
Spells (with Int Bonus)
x3 0 Level
Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
x2 1st level
Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.
Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.
Class Skills Ranks Bonus Total
Appraise (Int) 6 2 8(10)
Concentration (Con) 4 -1 3
Craft (Int) 0
Decipher Script (Int) 6 2 8(10)
Diplomacy (Cha) 4 1 4
Gather Information (Int) 6 2 8
Handle Animal (Cha) 1 1 2
Heal (Wis) 1 1 2
Knowledge (nature) (Int) 1 2 3(5)
Listen (Wis) 6 1 7
Profession (Wis) 4 1 5
Read/Write Languages (Int) 4 2 6
Ride (Dex) 1 0 1
Speak Languages (Int) 4 2 6
Spellcraft (Int) 1 2 3
Spot (Wis) 4 1 5
Survival (Wis) 1 1 2 (4)
Gear (in the field normally)
Rose Petal Leather Armor (Prof) +3 AC
Masterwork Small Shield (Prof) +2 AC
Masterwork Rapier (Prof) +1
Masterwork Dagger (prof) +1
1. Human Bonus (Diligent +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and Decipher Script checks)
2. Human Bonus (Martial Weapons)
3. Prof Simple Weapons (Class bonus)
4. Prof Light Armor (Class Bonus)
5. Prof Shields (Bonus as the Queen of Roses)
Class Abilities
Animal Companion (Owl)
Nature Sense +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks
Wild Empathy
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