Thursday, November 29, 2012

All The Dungeons from Gamemastery Guide

 All The Dungeons from Gamemastery Guide

 So the other night I was thumbing again in the Gamemastery Guide from Paizo LLC for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is one of the better resources, since the very first / original DMG for reference materials in my opinion. 

So I was paging in it, from societies, to dungeons, to rooms in a dungeon ( I have an idea roughed out for another dungeon consisting of interlinked rooms by a dimension door essentially) and was surfing for ideas.

I tend to re-read certain spots depending on what or where I am looking for inspiration for. That day I had a 1 short adventure idea, inspired by the Steely Dan song Godwhacker. Essentially a high level multiplanar bounty hunting scenario. First target is a Githyanki Assassin and his undead spider demon inspired girl friend. They are going to get written up even if I do not make the adventure. Thinking about 15 CR for each of them.

Well that same night I opened my Gamemastery Guide to the Dungeon Creation section and thought to myself. I Should Do Each Of The Dungeons. Then I counted, making it 50. There are some of the ideas that are more appealing than others, such as the very first one of a Hedge Maze. Some of them are completely unappealing such as the What's Down the Plug Hole of the Wizard's Sink? Still I am going to do all of the ones that appeal to me over the next few months.

The first one will be the first entry on the table, A Hedge Maze.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Dead Heart Magic Item May 2009

Another magic item created for a Barroks Tower competition.
This one will get some re-work soon and show up in my In Ruins PFRPG Homebrew setting.

The Dead Heart
Under Dark Skies
With the turn of the spade, or the use of the autopsy scalpel
It is pulled from a murderer’s corpse. 
Placed within an esoteric device
Implanted into a Recipient person, place, thing, vehicle, etc. 
Altering them from that point on, bringing them into the darkness and far away from The Light.
It appears where ever death and ability meet. In lands where magic flourishes then crystals, metals, vines, and the forge aid in making the receptacle.
In lands where technology reigns supreme then wires, tubing, microchips are used.
Where other disciplines come into play, then local materials are utilized.
In all, the results are the same, yielding the dead heart of a murderer used as a power source to strength and deadliness.
Cosmetic Changes
With the Dead Heart come great strength and some difficulties as well. As the heart of a murderer is needed, it brings the evil and aura of death to the bearer as well. This manifests in personality changes, mood changes, an increased affinity for evil, as well as stark physical changes as well. Muscles are added, durability is increased, as well as an overall loathsome appearance. Skin and hair lightens, pales, turns pallid, finger and toe nails grow yellowish and appear almost infected, lesions and bruises show up easily on the skin and the teeth also turn more yellow and in the right light, look sharpened almost. 
Game Rules
In settings using Alignment a shift of 2 steps towards Evil on that axis and one step towards Chaos on that axis as well, will occur in living entities. This will affect those with special alignment oriented powers in either a positive or a negative fashion. Example Paladins this would shift them from Lawful Good to Neutral Evil with the attendant ability losses from such shifts. If the character is already evil, etc. then no changes are made. 
Adds to the Recipient 
+10 Hit Points (1 time bonus, not affected by Constitution Bonus)
+2 to BAB (1 time bonus, stacks with all character BAB)
+2 to Fortitude Saves (1 time bonus, stacks with all character and stat changes)
+1 to Strength (1 time bonus, changes modifiers)
+1 to Constitution (1 time bonus, changes modifiers)
-2 to Charisma (1 time deduction, changes modifiers)
-1 to Dexterity (1 time deduction, changes modifiers)
-2 on Reaction Rolls (1 time deduction, in addition to the change in Charisma, stacks)
The characteristic changes are permanent. This change will affect skills, saves, etc. Hit Points as well from Constitution Bonus on subsequent levels only (Not Retroactive)

The recovery time from the surgical implantation depends on the game setting. Without the use of advanced medicine or magical assistance, it could take months (in theory) to recover. Otherwise the normal recovery of 1 point per day or 2 points per day with complete rest and medical attention applies, up to the new maximum hit point amount. Use common sense and feel free to apply situational penalties for not allowing for adequate time to recover. 
It is major invasive surgery implanting The Dead Heart adjacent and connected to the existing heart. The Medical Skill (Doctor, etc per setting) DC is Heroic (30). In vehicles, constructs, robots, etc. then it is a Formidable (25) DC Craft Mechanical Skill Roll to correctly implant it. Characters can Take 20 on the Modifications. 
Count the surgery as bringing the character to 1 Hit Point left once surgery is complete. It does require a Formidable (25) DC Fortitude Check to survive it. The Surgical / Medical Roll can be used as a bonus, each point succeeds by adds a positive bonus to the Fortitude Check. 
Of course if the character fails the Fortitude check, depending on the game, perhaps their heart could be used as a second Dead Heart as well?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Plant Life Support Part 1

Back in July of 2009 the Barroks Tower Website had a competition for plant inspired entries.

Here are a few of the entries I had submitted at that time.
This was on the old forums, so these are not readily available because of changes in forum software

Thorny Gloves
When they are first found, not on a pair of hands, they appear as simple kid leather gloves, nice looking, good and durable in appearance. Once donned their magical nature comes to the front. Stitchery that resembles thorns appears and the nails lengthen and thicken turning into what can only be described as thick wooden thorns. 
Masterwork Gloves
They add on +1 to Attack and Damage
Once worn they allow the wielder to act as if armed (removes the unarmed penalty for attacks made wearing them only), does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity either. 
Other effects
Wall of Thorns 3 times a day at the 9th Level of Expertise
+1 on Reaction Rolls with Plants / Nature Beings / etc. where appropriate

The Botany Cloak
A long cloak, suitable for a human male or a female, it appears to be made out of leaves with vines helping to hold it together, with thick bark on the shoulders, across where the vital organs would be at while the cloak is being worn. It is thick, several fingers in depth, the neck is held with woven vines that are durable and thick, with no cowl to the cloak.
+2 on AC only for Druids, Rangers, bearers with Nature, Plant, Earth Elemental Aspects or spell casting selections (colleges), or similar beings. Normal fighters in example will gain no benefit from wearing The Botany Cloak. This bonus stacks with either Leather or Studded Leather armor, no other armors. It will stack with other magical protections such as rings in example. 
The Botany cloak provides ½ Cover while the wearer is outdoors (natural setting not city, ruins, etc.) versus ranged attacks, spells, spell like effects, etc.
It also grants +1 Level Equivalent for the effects from cast spells that affect plants, growing things, etc. Not for what can be cast it just increases the effective level of the spells cast. The Botany Cloak does not grant additional spells. Just improves the efficacy of such spells cast. 

It Takes 15k Experience to make it to 5th Level

15k EP is what it takes to reach 5th level, at least in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that is.

This is my blog devoted to support and fan material, as well as upcoming print material previews and development, for use primarily in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game System as put out by Paizo LLC.

It in you will find new races, creatures, NPCs, magic items, adventure seeds, art, links, and what ever else I can come up with. Primarily I am supporting my own Homebrewed Settings, as well as more generic support suitable for all gamers out there.

There will be some re-printed material posted on other websites. The majority of the support will be new and original. Occasionally this will be the preview or test place for print products from myself.

So sit back and feel free to enjoy and use the contents in your own games.